Golden Tomato Gazpacho

Golden Tomato Gazpacho

A perfect reprieve for the summer heat. And when the afternoon rain rolls in, this dish will add a little sunshine to even the dreariest of days with its golden deliciousness.


1 jar of Bella Cucina Organic Golden Tomato Passata
1 jar Bella Cucina Piccolo Pomodoro Tomatoes
1 seedless English cucumber
2 teaspoons Bella Cucina Calendula & Chive salt 


Place the tomato puree in a bowl. Add the piccolo tomatoes from the jar plus 3 Tablespoons of the marinade. Peel and thinly slice the cucumber (if the cucumber is large, cut into quarters or chop into 1/4 inch dice. Season with the salt. Mix well and spoon into bowls or large glasses (for an appetizer). Add edible violet flowers or herb chive blossoms for color.

VARIATIONS:  Use as a base for poached chicken, seared Citrus Fennel salmon or poached halibut

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